TT2 Game Mechanics

TT2 Game Mechanics

Understanding game mechanics of TT2 is the ONLY way of your success / progress in this game.
It is not too complicated, but it requires too much time for you to figure out. Therefore, this guide aims to save your time.
Before we start, if you do not like reading, this game is not for you, you had better to uninstall the game and leave this page.
There is not any easier way of achieving things in life as well. Read, understand then go; else just stop at where you are and look around.

TT2 game mechanics heavily depends on simple math of "multiplication" and a little bit about probability.

Skill Tree, Equipments, Artifacts : These 3 elements are the CORE of the game. They stand like seperate things in the game, however they are not.
They implicitly and strongly depend on eachother by the multiplication effect.

You will be experimenting the game until 10K Stage Level, and you will have better understanding about the game, it is a fact.

Philosophy of all games is this: we are given some set of problems and as players, our task is to solve these problems, try to look through this perspective.

To solve a problem, you have to analyze it first; it may not have only one reason, variable, parameter, etc. to have that problem.

*Define the problem. Detect all variables, dependencies.

Now, let us dive into TT2:

*Decide on your Skill Build : ClanShip, ShadowClone, HeavelyStrike, PetBuild.
I decided on Shadow Clone, and focused on equipments, artifacts respectively. Now, check the ScreenShots before proceeding further.

NOTE: Read every in-game information to have better understanding about artifacts, skills, etc...

Sorcerer Tree : Phantom Vengeance is the CORE of Shadow Clone build, this is what I MUST HAVE in order to speak about Shadow Clone build. Not even a single skill point is used on any meaningless, unnecessary skill. Some variations can be made on "Gold Income" part, my main Gold Source is ad fairies; just 1 skill point is spent on Heart of Midas to provide some continuos Gold Income during my farms. ( I do not want to wait for fairies all the time ), 1 skill point is enough for now. If you read the definitions for Next Level about anything, you will get the idea better.

2nd skill point on Heart of Midas will be useless for me, because it will only boost my Heart of Midas gold income x1.5 times, which does not make any sense, I need a lot more than that to be able to push further.

Now, read the definition of Shadow Clone : Tap Damage / second. Now read, Fire Sword and Hand of Midas definitions. I find it in the Skill Tree and I gave some points on these skills. I mean, it is again a MUST by its definition. Moreover, since we have "ALL ACTIVE SKILLS" fairy in the game, we all have to spend some points on Warlord, Sorcerer,Rogue Skills Tree whatever our Skill Buil is. This argument is also supported by the Gold Income sources; they are distributed in:
  • Knight (Heart of Midas),
  • Warlord (Chesterson), 
  • Sorcerer (Hand of Midas), 
  • Rogue (Master Thief) skills.
It is up to you how you would like to get the multiplication effects. But, you have to decide again; you can not distribute your points all over the place. It has been restricted on the equipments side, like this:

Plus on the enchancements of the item side,like this:

I will not get any benefit from Chesterson Gold; so such items are trash for me, I do not have any skill points in my Skill Tree at all.
I will just get low/partial benefit from Boss Gold because of my 1 skill point spend on Heart of Midas; so such items are again trash for me, I do not have enough skill points in my Skill Tree at all.
I can only equip 1 item at a time, so I gave my decision: my gold source will be "ad fairies"; and designed my Skill Tree respectively. And equip that related item : x ALL GOLD.

Check my item enchancement now : xFairy Gold and xHeart of Midas. Because of the 2nd enchancement, I can not get the full power / bonus, it is weak. If it were xHand of Midas; it would be perfect match for my build.

I tried to explain why / how things work in the game. We encounter problems in the game (as its nature,nothing wrong with you), you just have to wait for the perfect drop. Even if you purchase the item with your shards; enchancements are random and you can not guarantee that part. Remember my early words at the beginning "probability".

Now, let us link this to our gold source artifacts:

Stone of Valrunes : This is a S-tier artifact, which means Super for every builds (global), we have to keep upgraded such S-tier artifacts at certain points; like if you can x2 the power of this artifact, do it. If you can not upgrade any artifact more than x2 boost, check your other artifacts to be able to get the maximum boost effect. You can keep this as a general strategy in your gameplay.

Book of Prophecy and Khrysos Bowl looks like S-tier artifacts again since they work as "xAll Gold" multipliers. Read their information.

Great Fay Medalllion and Bronzed Compass are A-tier artifacts for me; I have to keep them upgraded as well.
Bronzed Compass is A-tier for both fairy and heart of midas gold sources, check this information:

Chest of Contentment, Zakynthos Coin, Coins of Ebizu, even Heroic Shield are F-tier ( trash ) artifacts for me. Pay attention to my words : Trash for me!... It may not be for you! It is dependent on your build decisions!! If your main gold source is Heart of Midas, then Heroic Shield will be your A-tier artifact.

Same logic applies for your damage source artifacts as well. 
A-tier artifacts for specific builds which makes F-tier for other builds, as an example:
Titan's Mask (A-tier for Heavenly Strike Build), trash for others.
Elixir of Eden (A-tier for Shadow Clone Build),trash for others,etc...

And on the equipment side, we are restricted (forced to choose) as below:

Only xShadow Clone Damage items work for me, the rest are definitely trash.

I tried to explain and show some in-game logic relations. I hope it would be useful for you, just leave a comment if you like, which may encourage me to continue on this...Thanks for reading.
