
This site contains short but valuable information about a mobile game: Taptitans2

Taptitans2 has a lot of math inside,like every other game. Thanks to designers / developers of taptitans2 game that, they provide clean, useful information about it.

Taptitans2 requires a lot of reading for better understanding of its game mechanics. Therefore, this site material / content is for newbies (new players) mainly.

Since taptitans2 game requires a lot of experimenting (which also requires time), I decided to prepare this site which is a collection or mixture of:

  • My own game experience
  • Outsources ( Other reading materials on the web)
As I mentioned above, taptitans2 requires a lot of experimenting and reading material if you have time.
If you have time you can skip to https://www.reddit.com/r/TapTitans2/wiki/index page, and start your reading.
So, your main taptitans2 information source (reading material) is this web site.
It is a safe, secure, reliable information source which is also managed by taptitans2 game developers.

Taptitans2 Reddit page :  https://www.reddit.com/r/TapTitans2/wiki/index
